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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Xi3 ChromiumPC

Xi3 ChromiumPC

Xi3 ChromiumPC  Mini Box PC

Xi3 ChromiumPC is the new computer with special Chrome OS operating system as big as a pack, highly portable and lightweight. The new Mini PC comes with projecting corners and rounded edges, however, is colored metal grid for ventilation and a good number of ports on the back for connecting peripherals easily. This is the first example of a mini-desktop PC installed with the operating system OS of Google Chrome that brings a breath of fresh air in the world of cloud computing. In a little gallery 'of pictures of Xi3 ChromiumPC.

Xi3 ChromiumPC  Mini Box PC

Xi3 ChromiumPC is a mini-PC that is less than all that is necessary to keep it extremely compact and lightweight. Define minimal hardware is an understatement when we welcome three components as the processor, the primary module I / O and the secondary module.

The module also is equipped with a processor RAM, the primary module I / O ports, while the secondary is responsible for Ethernet, and video plug-in for food and energy. These mini-PC with Windows so far they had seen and with the open OS such as Linux, Unix and Ubuntu.

Xi3 ChromiumPC  Mini Box PC

Xi3 ChromiumPC you will see probably in 2011 sent in the second half of the year and will be available in different colors from blue metallic with perhaps the most aesthetically valid, chrome. No information about price, here are all the articles about Chrome OS.

Xi3 ChromiumPC Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin