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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Theater Napkin Project with Yudu

This weekend was wonderful.  My husband, Duncan the wonder dog, and I had a relaxing yet productive weekend.  One of my more interesting tasks was this dinner napkin project using my Yudu.  I have to give a shout out to Jeannie from A Place for my Cards because she made some amazing wedding napkins.  Her wedding napkins inspired me on so many levels - fall and holiday decor, as well as holiday gifts.

My son's girlfriend teaches high school drama so I took the tragedy & comedy masks art and created a screen to print these napkins.  I tried to video the process to give you the basic idea.  I plan to do more napkins in the near future... I purchased lovely pumpkin colored napkins for a fall/Thanksgiving themed napkins.  I may even work my way up to using two colors!!!

And here is one last look at the finished napkins.  I also made some screen print note cards using the same screen.  I think Crissie will really like the personalized feel of both the napkins and the note cards.

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