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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An evening of organization and hard labor

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I was debating what to do about the quantity of stuff in my craft room?  I finally reached a decision and after careful measuring and shopping, I purchased two sets of chrome shelves. The shelves are 36 inches wide each which was great as the closet was just over six feet wide.

A word about this closet - in addition to holding overflow scrap stuff it also holds the front door wreaths, some sewing odds and ends, as well as the fall and Easter decor.  Our builder was awesome in that he utilized the high ceilings in the house and installed two "over the hanging clothes" shelves.  He did this in every closet in the house which is awesome.  I measured the closet thoroughly and realized that a 54 inch shelves would be perfect.  Imagine my delight when I found 54 x 36 inch shelf units.  Two of the units fit perfectly under the two rows of existing shelves in the closet.  By adding these shelf units I now have six shelves ceiling to floor in the closet.

I did not touch the two upper shelves, but I did sort through the mess in the bottom.  I was able to put everything back into the closet in a more organized way, as well as add my scrap totes, Yudu machine, my old Expression machine and second cake machine (don't ask).  I now have plenty of space on my cubes for Imagine machine when it arrives.

If I find that I need more space still, I can always banish the holiday decor and door wreaths to the attic.  But in the meantime, I have cleared my desk and work space counters and have made it easier to get to everything in the closet.  An evening well spent!

An evening of organization and hard labor Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin