OK...I've gotten a lot of great pictures from you guys of your "first" cookies. Let me say, I am amazed! You all are so talented!!!
Ten years ago, when the desire to make and decorate cookies hit me, I had not a clue what I was doing! I think I'd eaten my fair share of Cookie Bouquet cookies and thought, not I can do this, but, hey...if I could make my own, I'd get to eat them a lot more often! :)
When we moved recently, I came across some old pictures of MY first cookies. It's taken me 5 months to work up the nerve to show you.
Are you ready?
Really? They are pretty scary!
Are you sure?!?
I warned you...See, I knew royal icing was involved, but I didn't know anything about flooding cookies. (That came later, thanks to Martha.) I just smeared it on the cookie...and not very well at that.
I obviously had a thing for bouquets (and two-tone hearts?). Seeing these pictures brought back terrible memories of running around finding Styrofoam balls, matching paper shred and hot gluing the ribbon to the pots so it wouldn't slip off.
Do you see what I mean about all of your "firsts" being brilliant? Thank you for sending the pictures my way or posting them on your blogs! You guys rock!!! :)
I definitely have more to learn...maybe someday my cookies will look like this or this. A girl can dream, can't she? Hope you'll come along for the ride and learn along with me!
Alright...humor me and go look at some prettier ones now, please!