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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's YOUR indispensable baking tool?...Works For Me Wednesday

Today's Works For Me Wednesday is a backwards edition. This means I get to ask you a question!

What is your indispensable, essential, can't-do-without baking tool?

I thought about this question for quite some time. First, I thought this:Photobucket

Then, my silicone spatulas...


But when it comes down to it, I would never make cookies without this:Photobucket
Parchment Paper! I have gone to the grocery store at 10pm sent my husband to the grocery store at 10pm on a parchment run in a cookie making emergency.

So, go ahead and tell me...what's your can't-live-without baking tool?

Be sure to click over to We Are THAT Family for more WFMW (backwards) tips and come back later this week for a yummy giveaway!!! :) YAY!

What's YOUR indispensable baking tool?...Works For Me Wednesday Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin